英语教师网周报答案七年级下册(English Teacher Week Report - 7th Grade Term 2)

English Teacher Week Report - 7th Grade Term 2


Greetings Everyone, it has been an eventful week in the whirling world of English learning, especially for our beloved 7th graders who we all cherish! This week, our focus was on fostering better reading skills, developing better comprehension and vocabulary usage to improve their overall understanding of the English language. Enhancing our students' ability to read and understand texts is crucial to their education, and we are delighted to report the progress our students have made this week.

Reading Techniques:

Reading techniques play a vital role in comprehending texts. This week, we were able to equip our students with some essential reading techniques which will help them develop a better understanding of paragraphs and texts. We showed them how to quickly scan through the text to get an overview of what to expect, with questions like \"What is the topic?\" \"What is the author's purpose?\" We also stressed the importance of identifying key words, which they could use to better understand the text. Additionally, we taught them how to break the text into smaller chunks so they can work on one part at a time, which would help them understand the broader context of the text. Our beloved 7th graders are indeed becoming better at reading and comprehension, which will surely reflect in their academic performance.


Vocabulary is an essential tool for any language, and this week's lessons had the 7th graders working on their vocabularies. We believe that an extensive vocabulary is the key to mastering any language, and we were able to cover words related to their everyday experiences. This week's vocabulary words were related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as it is essential to building students' overall language capabilities while keeping them informed of current issues. We taught them words like Pandemic, Immunity, Social distancing, and Face masks. Our lessons were interactive, with activities that engaged the students and allowed them to practice the vocabulary they learnt. During assessments, we observed significant growth in their vocabulary skills, and we were proud to see our dear students using the new words correctly.


Thus, we have come to the end of our weekly report. We, the English teachers, are delighted with the progress our students made this week, and we praise our students for their dedication and active participation. Our beloved 7th graders seem to be on the right track, and we hope to continue to motivate and push them towards excellence. Remember, English is all around us, and the more we develop our capabilities, the better we become in expressing ourselves. So, let us keep learning and improving together!


