花样滑冰规则英文(The Rules of Figure Skating How to Succeed on the Ice)

The Rules of Figure Skating: How to Succeed on the Ice

The world of figure skating is one of grace, beauty, and intense athleticism. To succeed in this sport, one must not only possess exceptional physical ability but also understand the various rules and regulations that govern competitions. In this article, we will break down the key elements of figure skating and provide an overview of the rules that competitors must follow.

Scoring System

Figure skating is judged based on two components: technical elements and presentation. Technical elements include jumps, spins, footwork, and lifts. These elements are assigned a base value that reflects their difficulty. The presentation component evaluates a skater's artistry, choreography, and interpretation of the music. Judges award scores for each component, which are then combined to give a final score.

Skaters also receive deductions for mistakes or violations. These can include falls, stepping out of a jump, exceeding the allotted time for a program, and receiving assistance from a coach or other individual. Skaters who receive three deductions in one program may be disqualified from the competition.


Clothing is an important aspect of figure skating. Skaters must wear appropriate attire that adheres to the rules set forth by the governing bodies. The International Skating Union (ISU) requires all skaters to wear costumes that are \"modest, dignified, and appropriate for athletic competition.\" This means that costumes cannot be too revealing or contain any offensive graphics or words. Skaters are also not allowed to wear jewelry or accessories during competition.

Costumes often reflect the theme or music of a skater's program. They can be elaborate and incorporate multiple fabrics and embellishments. However, costumes must not hinder a skater's movements in any way.

Music and Programs

Skaters must perform two programs during competitions: a short program and a free skate. The short program is typically less than three minutes long and includes required elements such as jumps and spins. The free skate is longer and allows skaters to showcase their artistry and athleticism through a variety of elements.

Music is a crucial element of figure skating, as skaters must perform their programs in time with the selected music. The ISU provides guidelines for music, which must be appropriate for a family audience and not contain any offensive language or themes. Skaters can also have their music edited to better fit the requirements of their program.

Ultimately, figure skating is a highly competitive and challenging sport that requires intense focus and dedication. By understanding the rules and regulations governing competitions, skaters can better prepare themselves for success on the ice.


